We create captivating documentary films with a crew of visual storytellers, cinematographers, photographers and artists

Sando Chunk

We need stories about the mundane things, like sandwiches. Films based on something small, and even poorly defined, but nonetheless enough to spur creativity.

In fact, the stickiest memories may actually come from the small things found in the margins of each adventure. Those margins can border on the sacred in terms of providing hidden meaning; for stories, memories and elusive lessons.

it’s just a chunk of sando…

Featuring: Ethan Deiss, Krister Ralles, Erik Ralles, Jake Keeler and Drew Poganski | Film & Edit: Mike Thienes | Media: The Flyfish Journal

Great Sea

What is the push and pull of big water? Why does it capture the souls of so many?

As someone that was born and raised on Lake Superior, Luke Kavajecz has known it as something of a dance partner. Sometimes Luke leads in a dance of sun, glassy surfaces, shallow depths, and bronzebacks. Other times the Lake rages and moshes while Luke succumbs to simply keeping up and maintaining a sense of balance. There is a seasonal give and take; a time of reflection and tranquility, and a time of severity and instinctual survival. Through fly fishing and surfing, Luke has learned to embrace both.

Featuring: Luke Kavajecz | Film & Edit: Mike Thienes | Graphic Design: Madison Holler | Media: The Flyfish Journal

Water Sabbath

A collaborative project between Mike Thienes (Filmmaker) and Jake Keeler (Visual Artist) Water Sabbath explores the idea of water and the outdoors as filters that generate creativity, peace, and meaning beyond the daily grind.

Alongside the film, the project explores these ideas through artwork based on the chapters of the film. The art reflects the experiences, essence, and imagery of each location; weaving with Keeler's imagination to capture his life of fly-fishing and art-making in a way that only his style and brand can convey.

Spark, search, grind, joy…

Featuring: Jake Keeler | Film & Edit: Mike Thienes | Aerial Footage: Steve Fines | Graphic Design: Ken Nyberg | Media: The Flyfish Journal

Bust the Bubble

Finding inner peace in a world of chaos can be achieved by simply entering the outdoors. Sharing these experiences with friends and loved ones brings an enriched quality of life to everyone the story touches.

let us take you on a journey as Oliver NGY busts his Los Angeles, California bubble to explore Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes, legendary rivers and insane fishing!

Featuring: Oliver Ngy, Troy Lindner, Riley Lewallen, Robert Hawkins, Erik Ralles, Jeremy Pratt | Sponsored by: Big Bass Dreams, Toyota, Yeti, Yakima, Mustang Survival | Film & Edit: Mike Thienes | Motion Graphics: Brian Dow | Aerial Footage: Steve Fines | Underwater Footage: Curtis Lahr & Casey Ehlert